
Achieve quality, consistency, and repeatability, all at faster build rates.

Our development solution for production and quality engineering forms the bridge from your 3D design to CAM for AM

Who we work with:

Logos of companies Additive Flow works with

Achieve the goals you’ve always wanted.

Up to 200% faster production

Our AI derived Smart Parameters increase production speeds up to 200%, without compromise to materials requirements.

Want to increase your business performance?

Our solution allows you to choose your product quality and manufacturing goals, and outputs the ideal process parameters and toolpaths for all your additive applications.

Access variable build parameters to fine tune your production and business: achieving success and greater sustainability.

Quality data for the right decisions

Achieving Quality Assurance based on a multitude of materials, production, and engineering requirements data is a complex problem to solve. Especially, if you
wish to optimise build parameters to avoid defects, whilst maintaining the same quality-approved outcomes.

Additive Flow’s software provides you answers by bringing the data you already have into our optimisation engine. The solution to cost-effectively achieve material, application, and process qualification in Additive Manufacturing.

Our solutions have a track record of rapid and repeatable delivery.

Outstanding workflow productivity

Additive Flow reduces workflows to minutes rather than days or weeks. It can even provide solutions previously impossible to achieve. Our best-in-class interface takes your existing CAD data and engineering requirements and transfers all build and optimisation data to tools like Autodesk’s Netfabb in ‘one-click’. Allowing seamless generation of tool-paths that work without the risk of poor conversions or data loss.

Effortlessly update objectives, materials properties, process requirements, or cost profile, and re-run everything repeatably in real time with saved workflows.

What our clients say

“The combination of Additive Flow’s powerful parameter optimisation and our advanced toolpathing capabilities is a perfect match. It takes us a step closer to the full convergence of design and manufacturing.”

Alexander Oster, Director Additive Manufacturing at Autodesk.
Autodesk logo

“It was hugely productive to work with Additive Flow on the validation and development of their unique modelling software. We were able to produce optimised builds with faster build times while still maintaining equivalent mechanical strength.”

NPL Representative
NPL logo

How it’s done

“3D printing has evolved from using basic 3D print formats that can only describe designs in a rudimentary way. Heading this evolution is Additive Flow – as demonstrated here with 3MF allowing all its scales of optimisation to efficiently transfer into the production process.”

Luis Baldez Executive Director, 3MF Consortium

Short video of the interface

Not design optimisation, but goal driven production engineering.

Additive Flow has redefined the AM workflow so you can rapidly reduce your costs, and consistently achieve quality objectives, time and time again.

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